
Aftermath / Efterslæt


Tim Flohr Sørensen continued his exciting exhibition series Insignificants with the August 2019 installation. The format is the same as the other months: a poster advert, a tiny exhibition, a speculative fabulation on a bookmark, and a short musing at an exhibition launch in Tim’s department (The Department of Archaeology in The Saxo Institute at the University of Copenhagen.

The material is from a tiny Swedish island called Boön, which Tim visited twice during the Summer of 2019. The material consists of things he picked up at his second visit which took place three days after the first. The Danish title is ‘Efterslæt’, which translates into ‘Aftermath’ in English. It means ‘second harvesting’; the first ‘slæt’ is the ordinary mowing of the crops, which gives space and light for an undergrowth of crops to emerge, leading to a second mowing of the field before it is finally plowed over.

The objects in the picture on the poster for the launch (included as an image below) were collected during Tim’s first visit to Boön; the exhibited items derive from his second visit (i.e., objects that my first visit had missed, eventually giving light and space for these objects to come out for my second visit. Hence, ‘efterslæt’.

For more information about Tim and his work, check out these links:


